Is there a way to sell multiple product types on Webflow's e-commerce platform without having to insert all the product variables into the product info section or using conditional if-statements on the product page template?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, there is a way to sell multiple product types on Webflow's e-commerce platform without manually inserting all the product variables into the product info section or using conditional if-statements on the product page template. Webflow provides a feature called 'Product Variants' that allows you to create and manage different variations of a product easily.

Here's how you can use Product Variants to sell multiple product types on Webflow:

  1. Create a new product in your Webflow project or select an existing product to edit.
  2. In the product settings panel, scroll down to the 'Variants' section and click on 'Add Variant'.
  3. Add a name for the variant, such as 'Size' or 'Color'. You can create multiple variants, such as 'Size' and 'Color' together.
  4. Click on 'Add Option' under the variant name and enter the different options for that variant. For example, if the variant is 'Size', the options could be 'Small', 'Medium', and 'Large'.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each variant you want to add.
  6. Once you have added all the variants and their options, you can specify the prices, SKU, weight, and other properties specific to each variant. You can also upload variant-specific images if needed.
  7. Save your changes and publish your Webflow site.

With Product Variants, you don't have to create separate product pages or manually insert all the product variables. Webflow automatically generates a product option selector on the product page template based on the variants and options you have defined. When a customer selects a specific variant option, the product information and pricing associated with that variant will be displayed dynamically.

Using Product Variants simplifies the management of multiple product types, makes it easier for customers to select their desired options, and enhances the overall shopping experience on your Webflow e-commerce site.

Additional questions users may use to search for this answer:

  1. How can I sell multiple product types on Webflow's e-commerce platform?
  2. What are Product Variants in Webflow and how can I use them to sell different variations of a product?
  3. Is it possible to avoid using conditional if-statements on the product page template in Webflow to sell multiple product types?