Can you help me create a search that works on one page and works with 4 different CMSs on the page using Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can create a search that works on one page and handles four different CMS collections in Webflow. Webflow's CMS platform allows you to easily set up and customize a search functionality to provide a seamless user experience. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Create CMS collections : First, you will need to create your four CMS collections in Webflow that will store the data you want to search. Each collection should represent a different category or type of content that you want to search through.
  2. Design the search interface : Design a search interface for your website using Webflow's visual designer. You can add input fields and a search button to allow users to input their search queries.
  3. Set up the search functionality : To enable the search functionality, you will need to add an interaction to your search button element. In the interaction settings, select "Start a search" as the action and choose the four CMS collections you created as the search scope.
  4. Display search results : Once the search is triggered, you will need to display the search results on the same page. You can do this by using the collection list element in Webflow, which allows you to display dynamic content from your CMS collections.
  5. Filter search results : By default, the search in Webflow will return all items that match the search query. If you want to filter the search results based on the CMS collection, you can use conditional visibility settings. For example, you can hide or show specific collection items based on their category or type.
  6. Customize search results : Webflow allows you to customize the layout and design of the search results using the collection list element. You can use dynamic fields to display the relevant information from each CMS item, such as the title, image, or description.
  7. Implement search styling : To enhance the search functionality, you can add styling and animations to the search interface. Webflow's visual designer allows you to easily customize the appearance of the search input field and search results to match your website's design.

By following these steps, you can create a search functionality that works on one page and seamlessly handles multiple CMS collections in Webflow. This will provide users with a convenient way to search for specific content across different categories or types.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I create a search interface in Webflow?
  2. Can I customize the layout of search results in Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to filter search results based on specific criteria in Webflow?