What is the reason that TTL 300 is no longer available for setting up GoDaddy with Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When setting up a custom domain with Webflow and GoDaddy, the Time To Live (TTL) value of 300 is no longer available. This change was made by GoDaddy as a security measure to mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

The TTL value represents the amount of time that DNS records are cached by DNS servers across the internet. A lower TTL value, such as 300, means that changes to your DNS records will propagate faster when you make updates. This can be useful when you need to make quick changes and have them reflected immediately.

However, a low TTL value also increases the vulnerability to DDoS attacks. DDoS attacks can overwhelm DNS servers by flooding them with a high volume of requests. By limiting the lowest TTL value to a higher value, such as 600 or 3600, GoDaddy aims to provide better protection against these types of attacks.

While this change limits the flexibility of making immediate DNS changes, it is a necessary security precaution. It ensures that the DNS infrastructure remains stable and resilient in the face of potential DDoS attacks.

In order to reflect DNS changes faster, you can try reducing the TTL value of your DNS records several days before making any changes. Then, when you need to make updates, you can change the DNS records and wait for the original TTL value to expire (which could take up to 48 hours). After that, the changes should propagate more quickly with the lower TTL value.

It's worth noting that TTL values for DNS records are ultimately determined by the domain registrar, in this case GoDaddy, and can vary depending on their policies and security measures.

To summarize, the reason why TTL 300 is no longer available for setting up GoDaddy with Webflow is due to GoDaddy's implementation of a higher minimum TTL value, which aims to enhance the security of their DNS infrastructure against DDoS attacks. While this change may slightly delay the immediate propagation of DNS changes, it significantly improves the stability and resilience of the entire system.

Additional Questions

  1. How can I set up a custom domain with Webflow and GoDaddy?
  2. What is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack?
  3. Are there any alternative domain registrars that offer lower TTL values for DNS changes?