What is the problem with the grid layout in the Webflow CMS collection when using two separate Collection List Wrappers?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When using the grid layout in the Webflow CMS collection with two separate Collection List Wrappers, there can be an issue with the alignment of the grid items.

The problem arises when the two Collection List Wrappers have different numbers of items. In this case, the grid items may not align properly, leading to uneven rows or columns. This happens because the grid layout uses CSS grid, which assumes that all grid items are siblings and should be placed in a consecutive order.

To better understand the problem, let's consider an example:

  • Collection List Wrapper A has 4 items
  • Collection List Wrapper B has 3 items

In this scenario, the grid layout will align the first 3 items from Wrapper A in the first row or column, and then start a new row or column for the 4th item. However, since Wrapper B only has 3 items, there won't be a fourth item to fill the next row or column. As a result, the grid items will not line up properly.

To fix this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Merge the two Collection List Wrappers into a single one. This will ensure that all the grid items are siblings and will be placed correctly within the grid layout.
  2. Adjust the layout and styling of the merged Collection List Wrapper as needed to achieve the desired design.

By merging the Collection List Wrappers, you'll be able to create a consistent grid layout that aligns properly, regardless of the number of items in each wrapper.

Overall, it's important to ensure that the number of grid items in each Collection List Wrapper is consistent when using the grid layout in the Webflow CMS collection. This will help avoid any alignment issues and maintain a clean and organized design for your website.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I fix alignment issues with the grid layout in the Webflow CMS collection?
  2. Why are my grid items not aligning properly in the Webflow CMS collection?
  3. What is the best practice for using the grid layout with multiple Collection List Wrappers in Webflow?