Is there a way to prevent duplicate entries in a Webflow CMS dropdown filter and display the dates on separate lines?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, there is a way to prevent duplicate entries in a Webflow CMS dropdown filter and display the dates on separate lines. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Preventing duplicate entries:
  • In your Webflow project, navigate to the CMS Collection Editor.
  • Click on the field that you want to filter with the dropdown.
  • Under the "Options" tab, make sure the "Unique" checkbox is selected. This will prevent duplicate entries in the dropdown options.
  1. Displaying dates on separate lines:
  • In your Webflow project, open the page or template where you want to display the dates.
  • Drag and drop a collection list onto the page.
  • Connect the collection list to your desired CMS Collection.
  • Within the collection list, select the text element where you want to display the dates.
  • Go to the element's settings panel and choose Rich Text as the text element type.
  • Insert the dynamic field that contains the dates into the rich text element.
  • Now, wrap the dynamic field with a Line Break element before and/or after it. This will separate each date on a new line.

By following these steps, you can prevent duplicate entries in a Webflow CMS dropdown filter and display the dates on separate lines.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I add a dynamic dropdown filter in Webflow CMS?
  2. Can I use custom code to modify Webflow CMS dropdown filters?
  3. Is it possible to filter CMS collection items based on multiple criteria in Webflow?