How can I make the "All" filter active on page load and change color to indicate it's already been filtered in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To make the "All" filter active on page load and change its color to indicate that it has been filtered in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a class to the "All" filter:
  • Select the element that represents the "All" filter in the Webflow Designer.
  • In the Style panel, click on the "+" icon next to the class name field.
  • Enter a class name for the filter, e.g., "active-filter".
  1. Set the initial state of the "All" filter:
  • With the filter element selected, go to the Style panel.
  • Set the desired styling for the active state of the filter, such as changing the background color, text color, or adding an underline.
  • Ensure that the styles you apply visually indicate that the filter is active.
  1. Create an interaction to make the "All" filter active on page load:
  • With the filter element selected, click on the "Interactions" tab in the right sidebar.
  • Click on the "+" icon to create a new interaction.
  • Choose the "Page load" trigger from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the option to affect the element with the class you assigned to the "All" filter (e.g., ".active-filter").
  • Set the animation or action that indicates the filter is active. For example, you could adjust the background color, text color, or add a visual indicator like an underline.
  1. Preview and publish:
  • Save your changes and preview your site to see if the "All" filter is active on page load and changes its color to indicate that it has been filtered.
  • Publish your site to make the changes live.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the "All" filter is initially active on page load and visually indicates its active state through a change in color or other styling.

Additional Q&A:

  1. How can I set different initial states for other filters in Webflow?
  2. Can I animate the transition when the "All" filter becomes active in Webflow?
  3. How do I create multiple filter categories in Webflow with active states on page load?