What are the main issues the author is encountering in regards to nesting/embedding the Collection Item and creating a dynamic URL for the tray/modal in their Webflow website?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The author seems to be facing two main issues in their Webflow website:

  1. Nesting/Embedding the Collection Item:
  • The author wants to embed a Collection Item inside another Collection Item, which is not allowed in Webflow. Collection Items can only be nested within Collection Lists. This limitation is due to the fact that Collection Items represent individual records in a Collection, while Collection Lists represent the collection as a whole.
  • To overcome this limitation, the author can create a Collection List and populate it with the desired Collection Items. Then, they can use conditional visibility or show/hide interactions to control the appearance of the nested Collection Items based on user actions or triggers.
  1. Creating a dynamic URL for the tray/modal:
  • The author wants to create a dynamic URL for the tray/modal, where each tray/modal has a unique URL that can be shared or bookmarked.
  • Currently, Webflow does not provide built-in functionality to create dynamic URLs for elements like trays or modals. However, there are workarounds that can achieve similar results.
  • One approach is to use custom code and JavaScript to modify the URL parameters based on the user's actions, such as opening a tray or modal. This can be done by listening for events and updating the URL dynamically using the window.history.pushState() method. By doing this, the author can mimic dynamic URLs for trays/modals without actually changing the page or triggering a page reload.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I nest/embed Collection Items in Webflow?
  2. Is it possible to create dynamic URLs for trays or modals in Webflow?
  3. What are some alternatives to nesting Collection Items in Webflow?