Is there a way in Webflow to pause typing after a full stop or comma appears in a sentence, or to pause after every string?

Published on
September 22, 2023

In Webflow, there is not a built-in feature specifically designed to pause typing after a full stop or comma appears in a sentence. However, you can achieve this effect by utilizing custom code or interactions. Here's how you can do it:

Using Custom Code

  1. Open the Custom Code tab in your Webflow project settings.
  2. Add the following JavaScript code to pause typing after full stops or commas:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {  var textToType = 'Your sentence here.';  var typingSpeed = 100; // Adjust this value as desired    var typeWriter = function(text, i) {    if (i < text.length) {      document.getElementById('text-container').innerHTML += text.charAt(i);      if (text.charAt(i) === '.' || text.charAt(i) === ',') {        setTimeout(function() {          typeWriter(text, i + 1);        }, 1500); // Adjust this pause time as desired      } else {        setTimeout(function() {          typeWriter(text, i + 1);        }, typingSpeed);      }    }  };    typeWriter(textToType, 0);});
  1. Replace 'Your sentence here.' with the sentence you want to type.
  2. Adjust typingSpeed and the pause time in setTimeout functions to match your desired typing speed and pause duration.
  3. Create a div element with an id of text-container where you want the typing effect to appear.

Using Interactions

  1. In the Webflow Designer, select the element where you want the typing effect.
  2. Add a new interaction to the element.
  3. Set the initial appearance of the element to hide or empty.
  4. Add a new step to the interaction and choose "Start Typing" as the action.
  5. Enter the text you want to type and adjust the typing speed.
  6. Add a new step and choose "Pause for Animation" as the action.
  7. Set the pause time depending on where you want the typing to pause.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 as needed for pauses at specific characters.
  9. Add a final step and choose "Show" or "Display" as the action to display the full typed text.

Note: Interactions method might not be as precise as custom code when it comes to pauses after specific characters.

These methods should allow you to pause typing after a full stop or comma appears in a sentence or pause after every string.

Additional Questions:

  1. Can I add custom code to create advanced animations in Webflow?
  2. Is it possible to control the speed of typing using interactions in Webflow?
  3. How can I create a typewriter effect on my Webflow website?