Is it possible to make a vertical slider in Webflow using relative dimensions?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to make a vertical slider in Webflow using relative dimensions. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Add a section to your Webflow project and give it a class name. This section will act as your slider container.
  2. Inside the section, add a div block and give it a class name. This div block will serve as your slider content container.
  3. Set the height of the section to a fixed value or leave it as auto if you want it to adjust based on the content.
  4. Set the width of the section to 100% to make it full-width.
  5. Set the overflow property of the section to hidden. This will ensure that the content inside the container is not visible when it exceeds the section's dimensions.
  6. Set the position property of the section to relative. This allows you to position the content inside the section using relative dimensions.
  7. Inside the div block, add the content you want to have in your vertical slider, such as images or text.
  8. Set the position property of the div block to absolute. This will allow you to position the content relative to the slider container.
  9. Set the width of the div block to 100% or a fixed value to make it take up the full width of the container.
  10. Set the height of the div block to 100% or a fixed value to make it take up the full height of the container.
  11. Position the div block using relative dimensions such as top, bottom, left, or right to determine its position inside the container.
  12. To create the sliding effect, you can use interactions in Webflow. Add a new interaction to the div block and set the trigger to a scroll event or a custom interaction trigger.
  13. In the interaction settings, set the initial state of the div block to its starting position, and then define the end state by animating the position using a relative dimension such as top or bottom.
  14. Customize the timing and easing of the animation to achieve the desired effect.
  15. Repeat steps 7 to 14 for each content slide you want to have in your vertical slider.

By following these steps, you can create a vertical slider using relative dimensions in Webflow. Remember to preview and test your slider in different viewports to ensure it looks and functions as expected.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I create a horizontal slider in Webflow using relative dimensions?
  2. Can I add autoplay to my Webflow slider?
  3. What other interactions can I add to my Webflow slider to enhance the user experience?