Is it possible to create an order form in Webflow that allows customers to choose multiple products from a dropdown menu, pull product data from Google Sheets, calculate the end price, and send the form for fulfillment without collecting payment?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to create an order form in Webflow that allows customers to choose multiple products from a dropdown menu, pull product data from Google Sheets, calculate the end price, and send the form for fulfillment without collecting payment. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Set up your Google Sheets:

  • Create a Google Sheets document and add product data, including product names, prices, and any other relevant information.
  • Publish the Google Sheets document as a CSV file by going to File > Publish to the web. Copy the generated link.

2. Create your Webflow order form:

  • In the Webflow Designer, add the necessary input fields to capture customer information (e.g., name, email, address).
  • Add a dropdown menu field to allow customers to select products. This field will be populated dynamically from the Google Sheets data.
  • To populate the dropdown menu from Google Sheets, you will need to use a third-party integration service like Zapier or Integromat. These services can connect Webflow with Google Sheets and automate data transfer.
  • Set up the integration to retrieve the product data from the Google Sheets CSV file and populate the dropdown menu options.

3. Calculate the end price:

  • Add an additional field in your Webflow order form to display the calculated end price.
  • Use custom code or a third-party solution like Zapier or Integromat to perform the calculations based on the selected products' prices and quantities.
  • Display the result in the designated field.

4. Send the form for fulfillment without collecting payment:

  • Set up a form submission action to trigger the fulfillment process. This can be done using Webflow's built-in form submission actions or through a third-party service.
  • Configure the form submission action to send the form data to your fulfillment system or email the order details to the appropriate recipient.
  • Optionally, you can set up an automated confirmation email to be sent to the customer after form submission to confirm their order.

This approach allows you to create an order form in Webflow that enables customers to choose multiple products, pull product data from Google Sheets, calculate the total price, and send the form for fulfillment without collecting payment. By leveraging third-party integration services, you can automate the process and streamline order management.

Additional questions users may use to search for this answer:

  1. How can I create an order form in Webflow?
  2. Is it possible to use Google Sheets data in a Webflow form?
  3. Can Webflow calculate the end price based on product selections in an order form?