Is it possible to create a URL that works for both CMS collection pages and static pages in a subfolder using Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to create a URL that works for both CMS collection pages and static pages in a subfolder using Webflow. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Set up your CMS collection pages:
  • Create a CMS collection in Webflow and add the necessary fields.
  • Design and style your CMS template.
  • Create a dynamic list on the page where you want to display the CMS collection. This list will automatically populate with the collection items.
  • Publish your CMS collection.
  1. Set up your static pages:
  • Create the static pages you want to have in the subfolder.
  • Design and style these pages as per your requirements.
  • Publish your static pages.
  1. Creating the folder structure:
  • Go to your Webflow project settings.
  • Under Hosting, click on the "Add a Subfolder" button.
  • Enter the desired subfolder name, for example "blog".
  • Once the subfolder is created, you will see a checkbox for each page in your project.
  • Check the pages that you want to include in the subfolder and click Save Changes.
  1. Update your page URLs:
  • For CMS collection pages: Open the settings for each CMS collection page and click on the "SEO" tab.
  • Under the "Slug" field, enter the desired URL slug for that page. Make sure to include the subfolder name in the slug, for example "blog/blog-post".
  • For static pages: Open the settings for each static page and click on the "SEO" tab.
  • Under the "Slug" field, enter the desired URL slug for that page. Make sure to include the subfolder name in the slug, for example "blog/about".
  1. Publish your changes:
  • Once you have updated the URLs for all your pages, publish your project.
  • Your CMS collection pages and static pages will now have URLs that work in the subfolder structure.

By following these steps, you can create a URL structure that works for both CMS collection pages and static pages in a subfolder using Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I create a subfolder in Webflow?
  2. How do I update the URL slug for a CMS collection page in Webflow?
  3. Can I have multiple subfolders in Webflow?