In Webflow, is it possible to change the font type of a text element when hovering over a div block, or is it necessary to use animation to change the opacity of two text elements layered on top of each other?

Published on
September 22, 2023

In Webflow, it is possible to change the font type of a text element when hovering over a div block without using animation or layering multiple text elements. You can achieve this effect by using the built-in hover state feature in Webflow's Design panel.

Here are the steps to change the font type of a text element when hovering over a div block:

  1. Select the div block that you want to apply the hover effect to.
  2. Open the Styles panel and navigate to the hover state by clicking on the hover icon next to the element in the Navigator panel.
  3. With the hover state selected, go to the Typography section in the Styles panel.
  4. Change the font type of the text element by selecting a different font from the dropdown menu.
  5. Customize other text properties such as font weight, size, color, etc., if desired.
  6. Preview the page to see the hover effect in action.

By following these steps, you can easily change the font type of a text element when hovering over a div block in Webflow. This eliminates the need for additional animations or layered text elements.

To summarize:

To change the font type of a text element when hovering over a div block in Webflow:

  1. Select the div block.
  2. Open the Styles panel.
  3. Navigate to the hover state.
  4. Go to the Typography section.
  5. Change the font type of the text element.
  6. Customize other text properties.
  7. Preview the page.

Please note that this method only changes the font type when hovering over the div block and will not persist after the hover state is no longer active.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I change the font type on hover in Webflow?
  2. Can I change the font of a text element when hovering over a div block in Webflow without using animations?
  3. Is it possible to change the font type of a text element in Webflow when hovering over another element?