How can I set containers in Webflow to always be at 100% width and never shrink smaller, regardless of the amount of content in them?
To set containers in Webflow to always be at 100% width and never shrink smaller, regardless of the amount of content in them, follow these steps:
Select the container element: Identify the container element on your Webflow canvas or in the Navigator panel, and select it.
Change the width property: In the Styles panel, locate the width property and change it from the default value to 100%. This will make the container occupy the full width of its parent element.
Disable any width limits: By default, Webflow includes a max-width property set on containers, restricting them from extending beyond a certain width. To override this, locate the max-width property in the Styles panel and set it to none or delete the value entirely.
Prevent container from shrinking: By default, containers will shrink if their content exceeds the available space. To prevent this, go to the Overflow property in the Styles panel and set it to "hidden". This will hide any overflowing content and ensure that the container maintains its 100% width.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your containers in Webflow always occupy the full width and do not shrink smaller, regardless of the amount of content in them.
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