How can I embed a YouTube live video chat into my Webflow site and fix the error message "Refused to display ‘Oops’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’"?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To embed a YouTube live video chat into your Webflow site and fix the error message "Refused to display ‘Oops’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’", you can follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the YouTube live video chat embed code:
  • Go to the YouTube Live Stream you want to embed on your Webflow site.
  • Click on the "Share" button below the video player.
  • Click on the "Embed" button that appears.
  • Copy the embed code provided.
  1. Add an Embed element to your Webflow site:
  • Open your Webflow project.
  • Go to the page where you want to embed the YouTube live video chat.
  • Drag and drop an "Embed" element from the add panel onto your page.
  1. Paste the embed code:
  • Double-click on the newly added Embed element to open its settings.
  • Paste the YouTube live video chat embed code into the input field.
  • Ensure the embed code is properly rendered in the element preview.
  1. Fix the "Refused to display ‘Oops’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’" error:
  • Publish your Webflow site to a live domain.
  • Copy the URL of the live domain where your Webflow site is hosted.
  1. Create a Redirect URL:
  • Go to the YouTube Studio page for the live stream.
  • Click on the "Settings" tab.
  • Under the "Stream" section, click on "Advanced settings."
  • Scroll down to the "Blocked frames" section.
  • Add the URL of your live Webflow site (the one you copied earlier) to the "Blocked frames" list.
  1. Save the changes and test the embed:
  • Click "Save" to apply the changes.
  • Navigate to the page on your Webflow site where you embedded the live video chat.
  • Check if the video chat is displayed correctly.

By following these steps, you will be able to embed a YouTube live video chat into your Webflow site and address the "Refused to display ‘Oops’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’" error.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I customize the appearance of the embedded YouTube live video chat in Webflow?
  2. Can I embed other live video chat platforms into Webflow?
  3. Are there any other ways to fix the "Refused to display ‘Oops’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’" error on my Webflow site?