How can I display only 3 products at a time in my carousel style product section in Webflow without cutting off the others at the sides? How can I make the arrows in my carousel function as navigation buttons to click through the options in Webflow?

Published on
September 23, 2023

To display only 3 products at a time in a carousel style product section in Webflow without cutting off the others at the sides, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a wrapper container: Start by creating a div block or container element that will wrap around your product elements. This container will act as the visible area of your carousel.

  2. Set the overflow property: In the Styles panel, select the wrapper container and set the overflow property to hidden . This will hide any content that exceeds the boundaries of the container.

  3. Position the product elements: Next, position your product elements horizontally inside the wrapper container. You can use a flexbox or grid layout for this. Make sure each product element has the same width and that they are aligned side by side.

  4. Adjust the width of the wrapper container: Calculate the total width required to accommodate 3 product elements. For example, if each product element is 300px wide, the wrapper container should have a width of 900px (3 products x 300px). Set the width of the wrapper container accordingly.

  5. Add interactions and animations: To make the carousel interactive, you'll need to add interactions and animations to the wrapper container. You can use the built-in Webflow interactions or custom code if needed.

  6. Enable navigation with arrows: To make the arrows function as navigation buttons, you can create a separate div block or image element for each arrow. Position these elements on top of the wrapper container and style them as desired.

  7. Add click interactions to the arrows: Select each arrow element and add a click interaction to it. In the interaction settings, choose the "Move" action and specify the target as the wrapper container. Set the "Move to" option to move the container by the width of one product element in the desired direction (left or right).

  8. Repeat for additional arrows: If you want to enable navigation in both directions, repeat step 7 for the other arrow element. You may want to adjust the initial position of the wrapper container to ensure the desired starting point when the page loads.

By following these steps, you can display only 3 products at a time in your carousel-style product section in Webflow without cutting off the others at the sides, while also making the arrows function as navigation buttons.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I create a carousel-style product section in Webflow?
  2. What are some best practices for designing product carousels in Webflow?
  3. Can I use custom CSS to style the arrows in my Webflow carousel?