How can I create a subdomain using Webflow if I have already purchased a domain from GoDaddy?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a subdomain using Webflow if you have already purchased a domain from GoDaddy, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and navigate to the DNS management section for the domain you want to create a subdomain for.
  2. Add a new DNS record by selecting the option to add a record. Choose the record type as "CNAME" (if you want to point to a Webflow project) or "A" (if you want to point to a specific IP address).
  3. In the "Host" or "Name" field, enter the subdomain name you want to create (e.g., "subdomain"). Leave the "Points to" or "Value" field empty if you are pointing to a Webflow project. Alternatively, enter the IP address you want to point to if you selected "A" record type.
  4. Save the DNS record.

Once you have set up the DNS record in GoDaddy, you can proceed with configuring the subdomain in Webflow:

  1. In your Webflow dashboard, select the project you want to add the subdomain to.
  2. Go to the Project Settings by clicking on the gear icon.
  3. Navigate to the "Hosting" tab.
  4. In the "Custom domains" section, click on "Add custom domain."
  5. Enter the subdomain you created in GoDaddy (e.g., "") in the "Domain name" field.
  6. Webflow will automatically validate the DNS settings, and if successful, it will display a confirmation message.
  7. Save your changes and republish your project.

Your subdomain should now be successfully set up and pointing to your Webflow project.

Additional SEO Information:

When setting up a subdomain using Webflow after purchasing a domain from GoDaddy, it is essential to consider the SEO implications. Here are a few tips to optimize your subdomain for search engines:

1. Choose a Relevant Subdomain:

Ensure that your subdomain is relevant to the content or purpose of your website. This helps search engines understand the context and relevance of your subdomain.

2. Implement 301 Redirects:

If you are migrating an existing website to a subdomain, it is crucial to set up proper 301 redirects from old URLs to the new subdomain. This will preserve your existing SEO rankings and ensure a smooth transition for your users.

3. Optimize On-Page SEO:

Apply standard on-page SEO techniques to your subdomain, just as you would for any website. This includes using relevant keywords in page titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, and content.

Promote your subdomain through content marketing, social media, influencer partnerships, or other channels to build quality backlinks. These backlinks will help improve the authority of your subdomain and enhance its SEO performance.

5. Monitor Performance:

Regularly track and analyze the performance of your subdomain using tools like Google Analytics. Monitor organic search traffic, rankings, and other SEO metrics to identify areas for improvement and refine your optimization strategies.

By following these SEO practices, you can enhance the visibility and organic search performance of your Webflow subdomain.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I set up a custom domain in Webflow?
  2. Can I point multiple subdomains to different Webflow projects?
  3. How long does it take for DNS changes to propagate when setting up a subdomain in Webflow?