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How can I create a horizontal scrolling effect like an Instagram story on desktop using Webflow and a CMS generated Rich text field with multiple images and videos?
Published on
September 22, 2023
To create a horizontal scrolling effect like an Instagram story on desktop using Webflow and a CMS generated Rich text field with multiple images and videos, follow these steps:
- Set up your CMS collection:
- Go to the CMS tab in the Webflow Designer and create a new collection or use an existing one.
- Add a Rich text field to your collection and name it something like "Story Content".
- Make sure the rich text field allows for multiple images and videos.
- Design your layout:
- Create a new page or template in the Webflow Designer where you want to display the Instagram story-like effect.
- Add a new dynamic list to the page by dragging a Collection List element from the Add panel.
- Connect the dynamic list to your CMS collection and choose the appropriate Rich text field as the source.
- Design the structure of your story container using div blocks or other elements. You can add a horizontal scrolling container using flexbox or CSS Grid.
- Style your elements:
- Apply CSS styles to the dynamic list and its child elements to create the desired look and feel. You can customize font styles, colors, and background to match your design.
- Consider adding animations or transitions to enhance the scrolling effect. Webflow allows you to animate page elements using interactions.
- Enable horizontal scrolling:
- To enable horizontal scrolling, you can use custom code in the page settings.
- Go to the Page Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the Designer.
In the Custom Code tab, add the following CSS code:
html, body {
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;
- Customize the scrolling behavior:
- If you want to add additional functionality to the scrolling effect, such as snapping to each story item or navigation buttons, you can use custom code or Webflow's interactions feature.
- For example, you can create a custom interaction on the scroll trigger and apply animations or styling changes to the story items based on the scroll position.
- Add images and videos to your CMS items:
- Go to your CMS collection and create new items or edit existing ones.
- In the Rich text field for each item, you can use the Editor toolbar to insert and format images and videos.
- You can also use custom HTML embed code to include external videos, such as YouTube or Vimeo embed codes.
By following these steps, you can create a horizontal scrolling effect like an Instagram story on desktop using Webflow and a CMS-generated Rich text field with multiple images and videos. This approach allows you to easily update and manage the content of your stories through the Webflow CMS.
Additional Points to Consider
- Ensure that the images and videos you upload or embed in your CMS are optimized for performance and SEO. Compress images using tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh to reduce file size without sacrificing quality.
- Use meaningful alt tags for images and provide descriptive captions or titles for videos to make them more accessible and SEO-friendly.
- Test the scrolling effect on different devices and viewports to ensure a consistent user experience.
- Consider adding responsive design to your layout so that the scrolling effect works well on mobile devices as well.
Additional Questions
- How do I enable snapping or pagination for each story item in the horizontal scroll?
- Can I customize the appearance of the scroll bar in Webflow?
- How can I add swipe gestures for mobile users to navigate the horizontal scroll on touch devices?