How can I create a collection list in Webflow that looks like the image provided?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a collection list in Webflow that looks like the image provided, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Collection:
  • In your Webflow project, go to the CMS tab and create a new Collection.
  • Add the necessary fields to your Collection that match the content you want to display in the list. For example, if your image shows a title, image, and description, create fields for each of them.
  1. Design the Collection List:
  • Go to your Webflow Designer and add a Section or a Container where you want the collection list to appear.
  • Drag and drop a Collection List element onto the page. It will display a default layout with placeholder content.
  1. Connect the Collection List:
  • Select the Collection List element and click on the Settings panel.
  • Choose the desired Collection from the dropdown menu.
  • Customize the appearance of the Collection List by applying classes to its parent elements and using Flexbox or Grid for layout.
  1. Design the Collection Item:
  • Inside the Collection List, you'll find a Collection Item element. This element is used to wrap each item from your Collection.
  • Customize the Collection Item by adding appropriate classes, setting a specific width, height, or display properties.
  • Arrange the elements within the Collection Item to match the design in the provided image.
  1. Bind Collection Fields:
  • Inside the Collection Item, select each element that represents a field from your Collection.
  • In the element's settings panel, bind the field to the corresponding Collection field using the dynamic data option.
  • Repeat this step for all the elements you want to connect to your Collection fields.
  1. Style the Collection List:
  • Use CSS styles to further customize the appearance of the Collection List, Collection Item, and its elements.
  • Make use of class styles, including margins, paddings, fonts, colors, borders, and backgrounds.
  1. Preview and Publish:
  • Preview your page to see how the Collection List looks and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Once you're satisfied with the design, publish your site to make the changes live.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a collection list in Webflow that resembles the image provided.

Additional Resources:

Example Questions:

  1. How do I create a collection list in Webflow?
  2. What are the steps to connect a collection to a collection list in Webflow?
  3. How can I customize the design of a collection list in Webflow?