How can I change the image when a user hovers over a text link in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To change the image when a user hovers over a text link in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a div block : Start by creating a div block where you want your text link and image to be placed. You can select an existing div block or create a new one.

  2. Add a text link : Within the div block, add a text link element using the Text Link component. Customize the text, font size, color, and any other styling options to match your design requirements.

  3. Insert an image : Insert the initial image that you want to display. You can do this by dragging and dropping an Image component inside the div block, positioning it accordingly.

  4. Style the image : Customize the image's size, position, alignment, and any other necessary styling options to match your design preferences.

  5. Add a hover interaction : Once your text link and image are set up, it's time to create the hover effect. Select the div block, then navigate to the Interactions panel, which is located in the right sidebar of the Webflow Designer.

  6. Create an enter hover interaction : Click on the "+" button in the Interactions panel to create a new interaction. Choose the Hover trigger from the drop-down menu.

  7. Define hover-in animation : In the hover-in animation section, click on the "+" button and select the Affect different element option.

  8. Set up image swap : Select the initial image element, which you want to replace on hover. In the animation options, choose Change Image from the Affect property dropdown.

  9. Choose the hover image : In the image change options, click on the "Choose an Image" button and select the replacement image that you want to show on hover.

  10. Define hover-out animation (optional): If you want to animate the image back to its initial state when the hover state ends, you can create a hover-out animation using the same steps as above.

  11. Preview and refine : Review your changes, save, and preview your site. Ensure that the hover effect is working as intended. Adjust any styling or animation settings as needed.

By following these steps, you can successfully change the image when a user hovers over a text link in Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  • How do I create a hover interaction in Webflow?
  • Can I change the color of a text link on hover in Webflow?
  • What other hover effects can I create in Webflow?