How can I change the appearance of items in my collection list on the overview page in Webflow?
To change the appearance of items in your collection list on the overview page in Webflow, you can use the following steps:
Access the Collection List element: Select the Collection List element on your overview page, either by finding it in the Navigator panel or by clicking on it directly on the canvas.
Open the Collection List settings: In the right-hand sidebar, click on the "Settings" tab.
Change the layout: Under the "Layout" section, you can adjust the grid or flexbox settings to customize how the items in your collection list are displayed. You can choose the number of columns, adjust the spacing between items, and determine the item's alignment.
Style the collection list items: To style the individual items in your collection list, you need to access the Collection Item element.
Select the Collection Item element on your overview page, either by finding it in the Navigator panel or by clicking on it directly on the canvas.
Customize the appearance of the collection list items using the Style panel on the right-hand sidebar. You can change the font, color, size, and other visual properties to fit your design.
Style collection list fields: If you want to style specific fields within each item, such as the title or description, you can access those elements and apply CSS styles to them individually.
Preview and adjust: After making changes, preview your page to see the updated collection list's appearance. If necessary, go back and modify the styling or layout until you achieve the desired look.
By following these steps, you will be able to change the appearance of items in your collection list on the overview page in Webflow.
Additional Questions:
- How do I add a dynamic filter to my collection list in Webflow?
- Can I use custom code to modify the appearance of my collection list items in Webflow?
- How can I make my collection items link to individual collection detail pages in Webflow?