How can I add the "disabled" attribute to an input field in Webflow until the form is filled out?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To add the "disabled" attribute to an input field in Webflow until the form is filled out, you will need to utilize some custom code. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieving this:

  1. Create your form element: Add an HTML embed element on your page where you want the form to be located. This element can be found in the "Add" panel on the left side of the Webflow Designer interface.

  2. Add the input field: Inside the HTML embed element, add an input field using HTML markup. For example, you could use the following code for a text input:


  3. Add a script element: Below the input field, add another HTML embed element to include a script that will handle the form validation. Add a script tag and paste the following code inside it:


  4. Customize the code: In the above code, we've assumed that the ID of your input field is "my-input". If your input field has a different ID, make sure to update the code accordingly. You can also modify the keyup event to any other event that suits your needs, such as blur or change.

  5. Style the disabled state: In Webflow, you can style the disabled state of the input field to provide visual feedback to the user when it cannot be interacted with. Select the input field, navigate to the "States" tab in the Styles panel, and set the styling for the "Disabled" state.

By following these steps, the input field will be disabled until the form is filled out. This ensures that users cannot submit the form without providing the required information.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I add custom code in Webflow?
  2. Can I add form validation without using custom code in Webflow?
  3. How can I style the disabled state of an input field in Webflow?