How does Webflow handle HTML embed code content within CMS items when queried through the API?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When using Webflow's CMS API to query content from CMS items that contain HTML embed codes, Webflow returns the embed code as a plain text string. This means that the embed code is not rendered and executed when queried through the API.

To handle HTML embed code content within CMS items when queried through the API, you need to perform additional steps on the client-side to parse and render the embed code. Here's how you can handle this situation:

  1. Retrieve the content from the CMS item using the Webflow API.
  2. Parse the HTML embed code string to identify the type of embed (such as YouTube video, Google Maps, or custom code).
  3. Utilize appropriate client-side libraries or APIs to render the embed. For example, you can use the YouTube or Google Maps APIs to render the corresponding embed codes.
  4. Insert the rendered embed code into your webpage or application as desired.

It's important to note that while Webflow supports HTML embed codes within CMS items, the responsibility for rendering and executing this code lies with the client-side implementation. This approach allows for flexibility and customization, as different APIs and libraries can be used to render various types of embed codes.

By following these steps, you can handle HTML embed code content within CMS items when queried through the Webflow API, ensuring that the embed code is correctly rendered and presented to your users.


Let's say you have a CMS item that contains an HTML embed code for a YouTube video. When queried through the Webflow API, you would receive the embed code as a plain text string. To render the YouTube video, you would need to:

  1. Retrieve the content from the CMS item using the Webflow API.
  2. Parse the embed code and extract the YouTube video ID.
  3. Use the YouTube API or an embed library like Embed.js to render and embed the YouTube video on your webpage.

This approach gives you control over how the embed code is rendered, allowing you to customize the appearance and behavior of the embedded content.

Additional Questions:

  1. How does Webflow handle HTML embed code content in the CMS?
  2. Can I use the Webflow API to retrieve HTML embed code content from CMS items?
  3. What are some best practices for rendering HTML embed code content from CMS items queried through the Webflow API?