How can we retrieve a record from Airtable into our Webflow forms?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To retrieve a record from Airtable into Webflow forms, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up an Airtable API key:
  • Log in to your Airtable account and go to the API documentation.
  • Create a new base or select an existing one.
  • Go to the "API" tab and click on the "Generate API Key" button.
  • Copy the API key.
  1. Connect Airtable to Webflow:
  • In your Webflow project, go to the Project Settings.
  • Click on the "Integrations" tab and select "Add Integration."
  • Choose "Airtable" from the integration list.
  • Paste the Airtable API key that you copied earlier.
  • Click on "Connect Airtable."
  1. Set up a Collection in Webflow:
  • In the Webflow Designer, go to the "Collections" tab and click on "Add Collection."
  • Enter a name for your collection, and add fields that match the data in your Airtable table.
  • Make sure to set the correct field types (text, number, date, etc.) in Webflow.
  • Click on "Save Collection."
  1. Import data from Airtable:
  • In the Webflow Designer, go to the "Collections" tab and select your collection.
  • Click on the "Import" button and choose the Airtable table you want to import from.
  • Map the Airtable fields to the corresponding Webflow collection fields.
  • Click on "Import."
  1. Create a Webflow form:
  • Drag and drop a "Form" element onto your Webflow page where you want the form to appear.
  • Customize the form fields as needed.
  • Make sure to include an email field for the user to enter their email address.
  1. Set up a form submission trigger:
  • In the Webflow Designer, go to the "Form Settings" panel for your form.
  • Click on the "Submit Form" tab.
  • Select "Redirect to URL" or "Post form to an external URL."
  • In the "URL" field, enter the URL of the Airtable API endpoint to submit the form data.
  1. Set up the Airtable API endpoint:
  • Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to the Airtable API documentation.
  • Find the documentation for creating records in Airtable.
  • Copy the endpoint URL and add it to the "URL" field in the Webflow form settings.
  • Make sure to replace the placeholder values with your own Airtable base ID and table name.
  1. Customize the Airtable record creation:
  • In the Airtable API documentation, find the parameters for creating a record.
  • Add the necessary parameters to the "Body" field in the Webflow form settings.
  • Use the form field names as the parameter keys and the form field values as the parameter values.
  1. Test the form submission:
  • Publish your Webflow site.
  • Fill out the form and click on the submit button.
  • Check your Airtable table to see if the record is created correctly.

By following these steps, you will be able to retrieve a record from Airtable into your Webflow forms seamlessly.

Additional questions:

  1. What is Airtable API and how does it work with Webflow forms?
  2. How can I connect my Airtable account to Webflow?
  3. Can I import data from multiple Airtable tables into my Webflow project?