How can I trigger a scroll into view interaction as I scroll/drag horizontally using GSAP's draggable?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To trigger a scroll into view interaction as you scroll/drag horizontally using GSAP's Draggable, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install GSAP library: If you haven't already, you need to install the GSAP library by including the script tag in the head section of your HTML file. You can either download the library and host it locally or use a CDN link.

  2. Include ScrollTrigger plugin: GSAP ScrollTrigger is an optional plugin that provides advanced scroll-based animation capabilities. To use it, you need to include the ScrollTrigger plugin after the GSAP library. You can download it from the GSAP website or use a CDN link.

  3. Create a horizontal draggable container: Set up a container element that will be horizontally scrollable using GSAP's Draggable. Apply CSS properties like overflow-x:scroll; and white-space: nowrap; to the container to enable horizontal scrolling.

  4. Initialize Draggable: Use GSAP's Draggable to make the container horizontally draggable. Configure the Draggable instance to allow dragging only in the x-axis direction using the type option and set the bounds to the container element's width with the bounds option.

  5. Create the ScrollTrigger: With the ScrollTrigger plugin, you can create a trigger that activates when an element comes into the viewport. Use the ScrollTrigger.create() method to define the ScrollTrigger on the container element.

  6. Define the scroll into view animation: Inside the ScrollTrigger, define the animation that will be triggered when the container element comes into view. This can be any animation you desire, such as fading in an element or sliding it in from the side. Use GSAP's animation features like from , to , and stagger to create the desired effect.

  7. Scroll horizontally to trigger the animation: As you scroll or drag horizontally, the ScrollTrigger will detect when the trigger element (container) comes into view. At that point, it will trigger the defined animation.

Here is an example code snippet to illustrate the process:

gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);const container = document.querySelector('.container');gsap.set(container, { overflowX: 'scroll', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' });Draggable.create(container, {  type: 'x',  bounds: '.container',});ScrollTrigger.create({  trigger: container,  start: 'top 80%',  onEnter: (self) => {    gsap.from('.element', {      opacity: 0,      x: -100,      stagger: 0.2,      duration: 1,      ease: 'power4.out',    });  },});

In the provided example, we're triggering an animation when the container element enters the viewport (80% of its height from the top). The animation fades in each element with the class "element" from the left side.

Please note : This solution assumes you have GSAP (including the ScrollTrigger plugin) and the Draggable library properly installed and set up in your project.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I make a horizontal container scrollable using GSAP's Draggable?
  2. What is the purpose of the ScrollTrigger plugin in GSAP?
  3. Can I use CSS properties to trigger scroll-based animations with GSAP?