How can I style a print page in Webflow to replicate the exact layout of the webpage, but in black and white?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To style a print page in Webflow to replicate the exact layout of the webpage, but in black and white, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a print-specific style:
  • In the Webflow Designer, go to the Styles tab and select the device icon at the top to switch to the Print view.
  • Add a new class to your elements specifically for the print version. This class will be used to apply styles only for printing.
  • Apply the necessary styling to elements using this class, such as changing the color to black and white, adjusting font sizes, margins, and positioning as needed.
  1. Use media queries:
  • Utilize media queries to target the print-specific styles. Media queries allow you to apply styles based on various conditions, such as the media type (in this case, print).
  • In the Custom Code panel of your project settings, click on the '⨁ Add custom code' button and select 'Custom Code' to open the code editor.
  • Write a media query specific to print using the @media rule. For example:
    @media print {
    /_ Add your print-specific styles here _/
  • Within the media query, apply the print-specific styles you created in step 1 to the desired elements using the class you assigned.
  1. Test and adjust:
  • Use the Print Preview function in your browser to see how the page will look when printed.
  • If needed, make adjustments to the print styles and continue testing until you achieve the desired black and white layout.

By following these steps, you will be able to style a print page in Webflow to replicate the exact layout of the webpage, but in black and white. This ensures that when users choose to print your page, they will get a version that is visually consistent with the web version.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I create print-specific styles in Webflow?
  2. What are media queries and how can I use them in Webflow to customize print styles?
  3. Is it possible to adjust the layout of a print page in Webflow without affecting the web version?