How can I solve the issue of a login button on my Webflow landing page redirecting to the wrong subdomain when using a different domain for my staging environment?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To solve the issue of a login button on your Webflow landing page redirecting to the wrong subdomain when using a different domain for your staging environment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a separate staging environment: Create a separate staging environment on Webflow where you can test your website before making it live. This ensures that any changes or modifications you make do not affect your live website.

  2. Update the login button URL: In your Webflow project, locate the login button element on your landing page. Then, update the URL of the login button to point to the correct subdomain in your staging environment. This can typically be done by editing the link setting or the destination URL of the button.

  3. Use dynamic URLs: If you want to have a more flexible solution, you can use dynamic URLs in Webflow. Dynamic URLs allow you to specify the URL based on the environment or context.

  • To use dynamic URLs, go to your project settings in Webflow and select "Hosting," then click on the "Domains" tab.
  • Under the "Dynamic Embeds" section, click on "+ Add Dynamic Embed."
  • Configure the dynamic embed to redirect the login button to the correct subdomain based on the staging environment you are using.
  1. Publish and test: Once you have made the necessary changes, publish your website and test the login button. Ensure that it redirects to the correct subdomain in your staging environment when clicked.

  2. Maintain consistency: It's important to keep track of your staging and production environments and ensure that the URLs for your login buttons are updated accordingly. Any changes made to URLs or subdomains should be consistent across both environments.

By following these steps, you should be able to solve the issue of a login button redirecting to the wrong subdomain when using a different domain for your staging environment on Webflow.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I set up a staging environment in Webflow?
  2. What are dynamic URLs in Webflow, and how can I use them?
  3. How do I publish my Webflow website and test its functionality?