How can I query the CMS API in Webflow to get a list of all the ids for a collection, including updated field names/ids?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To query the CMS API in Webflow and retrieve a list of all the ids for a collection, including the updated field names/ids, you can follow these steps:

  1. Generate API Key: First, you need to generate an API key in Webflow. To do this, go to your Webflow project settings, click on the "API" tab, and then click on the "Generate API Key" button. This key will allow you to authenticate API requests.

  2. Construct the Query: To get a list of all the ids for a collection, you can construct a GET request to the Webflow CMS API. The basic structure of the query would be:

    GET /collections/{collectionId}/items?access_token={yourApiKey}

    Replace {collectionId} with the actual id of the collection you want to query, and {yourApiKey} with the API key you generated in the previous step.

  3. Make the API Request: You can use any programming language or tool that can make HTTP requests to interact with the Webflow CMS API. Here's an example using JavaScript and the Fetch API:

    const collectionId = 'yourCollectionId';
    const apiKey = 'yourApiKey';

    fetch(${collectionId}/items?access_token=${apiKey} )
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
    // Access the ids and updated field names/ids from the returned data
    const items = data.items;
    const ids = => item._id);
    const fieldNames = items[0] =>;

    // Use the ids and field names in your applicationconsole.log(ids);console.log(fieldNames);

    .catch(error => console.error(error));

  4. Processing the Response: Once you make the API request, you can access the returned data. In the example code above, the response data is converted to JSON format. From there, you can access the items property, which contains an array of objects representing the items in the collection. Each item object will have an _id property, which represents the id of the item.

    Additionally, the _fields property of each item object contains an array of objects representing each field in the item. The name property of each field object will give you the updated field name/id.

  5. Utilizing the Results: After fetching the ids and updated field names/ids, you can use them in your application as needed. For example, if you want to display a list of item ids or create a dynamic form based on the field names/ids, you can iterate over the arrays and utilize the values.

By following these steps, you can query the Webflow CMS API to obtain a list of all the ids for a collection, including the updated field names/ids.

Additional Questions

  1. How do I authenticate API requests to the Webflow CMS API?
  2. Can I filter or sort the results when querying the Webflow CMS API?
  3. Can I update data in the Webflow CMS using the API?