How can I position two text blocks over a background image in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To position two text blocks over a background image in Webflow, you can use the built-in positioning and flexbox features. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Add a Section element to your Webflow project.
  2. Inside the Section, add a Container element to hold your content.
  3. Insert an Image element within the Container and select the desired background image.
  4. By default, the Image element will stretch to cover the entire Container. To maintain the aspect ratio of the image, go to the Image Settings panel and set the Width to 100% and the Height to auto.
  5. Now, add a Div block underneath the Image element. This Div block will contain your text blocks.
  6. Inside the Div block, add a separate Div for each text block you want to position.
  7. Apply the necessary styling to the text blocks, such as fonts, colors, and sizes.
  8. To position the text blocks over the background image, select the parent Div block containing the text blocks and go to the Positioning panel.
  9. Choose Absolute from the Position dropdown menu. This will allow you to place the text blocks wherever you want within the parent div.
  10. Adjust the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left values to position the text blocks precisely where desired.
  11. If you want the text blocks to be centered, you can use the flexbox feature. Select the parent Div block and navigate to the Flexbox panel.
  12. Enable Flexbox and set the Justify and Align options to Center.
  13. Finally, make sure the parent Div block has a higher Z-Index than the image so that the text blocks appear on top of the background.

By following these steps, you should be able to position two text blocks over a background image in Webflow. Remember to preview and test your design to ensure it appears correctly on different devices.

Additional questions:

  • How do I resize and crop the background image in Webflow?
  • Can I animate the text blocks using interactions in Webflow?
  • What are some best practices for optimizing images in Webflow for SEO?