How can I make an All button appear as an active class on load and when pressed in Webflow using attributes?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To make an "All" button appear as an active class on load and when pressed in Webflow, you can use custom attributes and some custom code. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a custom attribute : Select the "All" button element and add a custom attribute to it. You can name it "data-active".

  2. Set the default state : In the "Default" state of your project, set the value of the custom attribute you created to "true". This will ensure that the "All" button appears as active on page load.

  3. Add custom code : Go to the page or site settings and select the "Custom Code" tab. In the "Head Code" section, add the following code:

<script>  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {    var activeButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-active="true"]');    activeButtons.forEach(function(button) {      button.classList.add("active");    });  });    document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {    var button =;    if (button.getAttribute("data-active") === "true") {      button.classList.toggle("active");    }  });</script>

This code will add the "active" class to any button that has the custom attribute set to "true" on page load. It will also toggle the "active" class on click for any button with the custom attribute.

  1. Style the active state : Now, you need to add the styles for the "active" class. You can add custom CSS code or use Webflow's built-in interactions feature to define the active state's appearance.

With these steps, your "All" button will appear as an active class on page load and when pressed in Webflow using custom attributes. Remember to adjust the class name and custom attribute name in the code above to match your actual project setup.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I make a button active on load in Webflow?
  2. What are custom attributes in Webflow and how can I use them?
  3. Can I use custom code in Webflow to customize element behaviors?