How can I change the menu color on specific pages in Webflow without affecting the other pages? Is there a way to fix the issue with the "About" page appearing differently on tablet compared to the laptop version?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To change the menu color on specific pages in Webflow without affecting the other pages, you can utilize the built-in Webflow "Page Selector" feature. Here's how you can achieve this:

Step 1: Add a new class to the menu element

  1. In the Webflow Designer, select the menu element that you want to change the color of.
  2. In the right sidebar, click on the Class field.
  3. Add a new class name (e.g., "special-menu") for this specific menu element.

Step 2: Target the menu on specific pages

  1. Select the page on which you want to change the menu color.
  2. In the right sidebar, click on the Selector field.
  3. Enter the page's unique body class name. By default, Webflow assigns a unique body class name to each page, based on the page's name. For example, if your page is named "about", the body class name will be "body-about".

Step 3: Customize the menu color on specific pages

  1. With the menu element selected, go to the Style tab in the right sidebar.
  2. Customize the menu color using the available options, such as background-color or text color.
  3. The changes you make here will only apply to the menu element on the currently selected page with the associated body class.

By following these steps, you can easily change the menu color on specific pages in Webflow without affecting the menu on other pages.

Regarding the issue with the "About" page appearing differently on tablet compared to the laptop version, there are a few things you can do to fix it:

1. Check the tablet-specific styles:

  • Make sure that there are no conflicting or overriding styles applied to the "About" page on the tablet breakpoint.
  • Check for any media queries or conditional styles that might be affecting the elements on the "About" page specifically on tablets.

2. Adjust the layout and spacing:

  • Review the layout and spacing of the elements on the "About" page on both tablet and laptop views.
  • Use Webflow's responsive layout features, such as flexbox or grid, to ensure consistent spacing and alignment across different devices.

3. Test and refine:

  • Preview and test the "About" page on different tablet devices and screen sizes to identify specific issues.
  • Use the Webflow Designer's device preview mode to simulate tablet views and make adjustments accordingly.

By paying attention to the tablet-specific styles, ensuring proper layout and spacing, and conducting thorough testing, you should be able to rectify the issue of the "About" page appearing differently on tablets compared to the laptop version.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I change the font size on a specific page in Webflow?
  2. What is the best way to optimize images for Webflow?
  3. How can I add custom code to a Webflow website?