How can I change the initial state of the Anime.js tricksText letter animation to opacity: 0 in Webflow?
To change the initial state of the Anime.js tricksText letter animation to opacity: 0 in Webflow, you can follow these steps:
Select the element: Start by selecting the element where the Anime.js tricksText animation is applied. This could be a heading, paragraph, or any other text-based element.
Open the Animation panel: On the right-hand side of the Webflow Designer, you'll find the Animation panel. Click on the element you've selected in step 1 to open the Animation panel specifically for that element.
Add a new animation: In the Animation panel, click on the "+" button to add a new animation to the element.
Set the initial state: On the new animation timeline that appears, you'll see the "Initial state" section. By default, it is set to "Wait for 0s before starting." Click on the dropdown arrow to open the options menu.
Change the opacity: Under the "Initial state" options, locate the "Opacity" setting. By default, it is set to "1" (fully visible). Change this value to "0" to set the initial state of the animation to have zero opacity.
Customize other animation settings: You can also customize other animation parameters such as duration, delay, easing, etc., based on your requirements. Adjust these settings as needed.
Publish changes: Once you've made the desired changes, click the "Publish" button in the top right corner of the Webflow Designer to publish your changes to your live site.
By following these steps, you should be able to change the initial state of the Anime.js tricksText letter animation to opacity: 0 in Webflow. This will make the text initially invisible and then animate it to become visible during the animation.
Additional Questions:
- How do I apply animations to elements in Webflow?
- Can I create my own custom animations in Webflow?
- What other animation libraries does Webflow support besides Anime.js?