How can I add my own images next to each section in a list on my website using Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To add your own images next to each section in a list on your website using Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your images: Make sure you have images that you want to use for each section in your list. Ideally, the images should be resized and optimized for web use.

  2. Create a collection: If you haven't already, create a collection in the Webflow CMS for the items in your list. Each item should have a field for the image associated with it.

  3. Upload and assign images to collection items: In the Webflow CMS, upload each image and assign it to the corresponding collection item.

  4. Design your list: In the Webflow Designer, design and style your list as desired. You can use a Collection List component to display the items from your collection.

  5. Add an image element to your list: Within the Collection List component, drag and drop an Image element to the list item. Bind the Image element to the image field in your collection. Choose the appropriate image field for each list item.

  6. Style the image element: Customize the Image element's size, position, and any other styling properties to fit your design. You can also add interactions or effects to the image if desired.

  7. Publish and test: Once you're satisfied with your changes, publish your site and test it to ensure that the images are displayed correctly next to each section in the list.

By following these steps, you can easily add your own images next to each section in a list on your website using Webflow. This method allows you to dynamically display images from a collection, making it easy to update and manage your website's content.

Additional Questions

  1. How do I create a collection in Webflow CMS?
  2. Can I use images from external sources instead of uploading them to Webflow CMS?
  3. Are there any limitations to the size or format of images that can be used in Webflow?