Have you successfully built an on hover dropdown menu using the instructions on the Webflow forum?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, I have successfully built an on hover dropdown menu using the instructions on the Webflow forum. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Create the submenu container: Add a Div Block element where you want the dropdown menu to appear when hovering over a parent element.

  2. Style the submenu: Give the Div Block a class and apply the desired styling, such as background color, width, and positioning. You can also add animations or transitions to make it more interactive.

  3. Hide the submenu by default: Set the initial state of the submenu to be hidden by adding the Display: None property to the class. This will ensure that the dropdown menu is not visible until triggered by the hover event.

  4. Add hover interactions: Select the parent element that triggers the submenu and go to the Interactions tab. Create a new hover interaction and set the trigger to "Hover" and the target to the submenu container.

  5. Define hover in and hover out actions: In the hover interaction settings, specify the actions to be executed when hovering over the parent element. Set the "While hovering in" action to "Display" and choose "Block" to show the submenu. For the "While hovering out" action, set the "Display" to "None" to hide the submenu when the user stops hovering.

  6. Test and adjust: Preview your site to test the hover dropdown menu. If the submenu does not appear or behave as expected, double-check the class names, interactions, and styling. Make any necessary adjustments until you achieve the desired result.

Remember to save and publish your changes to see the hover dropdown menu live on your website. With this approach, you can easily create interactive dropdown menus that respond to user hover actions.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I create a dropdown menu in Webflow?
  2. Can I add animations to my dropdown menu in Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to create a multi-level dropdown menu in Webflow?