Has Webflow recently changed how it handles conditional visibility by serving the full page and then using display none to hide elements, which could impact page loading speed and SEO?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Webflow has indeed changed how it handles conditional visibility, which can have an impact on page loading speed and SEO. Previously, Webflow used to serve a hidden element with display none to handle conditional visibility. This meant that the entire page was loaded, including the content that was meant to be hidden. This approach could potentially slow down page load times, as the hidden content still needed to be downloaded and processed by the browser.

However, Webflow has made improvements to how conditional visibility works. They have introduced a new method called lazy loading, where elements with conditional visibility are not loaded until they are actually needed. This new approach significantly improves page load times, as the hidden elements are not loaded initially. Instead, they are loaded only when the conditions for their visibility are met.

This change in how Webflow handles conditional visibility has a positive impact on page loading speed. By reducing the amount of content that needs to be loaded initially, pages can load faster, providing a better user experience. Faster page load times are also beneficial for SEO, as page speed is a ranking factor in search engine algorithms.

In summary, Webflow has improved how it handles conditional visibility by implementing lazy loading. This optimization helps to improve page loading speed and positively impact SEO.

Additional Questions:

  1. How does Webflow handle lazy loading for conditional visibility?
  2. What are the benefits of lazy loading in terms of page speed and SEO?
  3. Are there any other optimizations in Webflow to improve page loading speed?