What can I do to fix the error "Upload failed. There was a problem signing the asset" in Webflow when trying to upload images for my portfolio?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If you're encountering the error message "Upload failed. There was a problem signing the asset" in Webflow when attempting to upload images for your portfolio, there are several potential solutions you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Check your file format and size: Make sure the images you're trying to upload are in a supported file format (such as JPG, PNG, or GIF) and that they don't exceed the maximum file size limit of 4MB in Webflow.

  2. Clear your browser cache: Clearing your browser cache can help resolve temporary issues with file uploads. Go to your browser's settings, locate the option to clear browsing data or cache, and clear it. Then, restart your browser and try uploading the images again.

  3. Try a different browser or device: Sometimes, browser compatibility issues can prevent successful file uploads. Switching to a different browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) or trying a different device might help bypass these compatibility problems.

  4. Check your internet connection: A weak or unstable internet connection can interfere with the uploading process. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and try the upload again.

  5. Disable browser extensions: Certain browser extensions, such as ad blockers or security plugins, could potentially interfere with the upload process. Temporarily disable any browser extensions that might be affecting the upload and try again.

  6. Contact Webflow support: If none of the above solutions work, reach out to Webflow's customer support team for further assistance. They have extensive knowledge and experience with the platform and can help diagnose and resolve the issue.

Remember to verify that your images meet Webflow's requirements in terms of format and size, and ensure that your internet connection is stable before attempting the upload again. If the problem persists, don't hesitate to seek support from Webflow's team.

Additional Questions

  1. How can I resize an image in Webflow?
  2. What is the recommended image file size for web pages in Webflow?
  3. How do I optimize my Webflow site for search engines?