What is the most efficient way to create multiple pop-up modals for each staff member on a 'Meet the Team' page in Webflow? How can I ensure that each collection item has a different pop-out modal?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To efficiently create multiple pop-up modals for each staff member on a "Meet the Team" page in Webflow, you can use Webflow's CMS (Content Management System) Collections and Interactions features. This will allow you to create dynamic content and unique pop-out modals for each staff member. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Set up your CMS Collection:
  • Go to the CMS tab in the Webflow Designer.
  • Create a new Collection and name it "Staff Members" or any relevant name.
  • Add fields to your Collection that will store the relevant information for each staff member, such as Name, Job Title, Bio, and an Image.
  1. Design the "Meet the Team" page:
  • Go to the Designer tab in Webflow.
  • Create a layout for your "Meet the Team" page, such as a grid or a list of staff members.
  • Use dynamic elements to pull data from the CMS Collection, such as adding a Collection List and binding it to the "Staff Members" Collection.
  1. Create the pop-out modal:
  • Design a pop-out modal by using a Div Block element.
  • Add the necessary content within the modal, such as the staff member's name, job title, bio, and image.
  • Style the modal to your desired design and position it off-screen initially.
  1. Set up interactions and trigger:
  • Select the button or element that will trigger the pop-out modal for each staff member.
  • Create an interaction for that element, and choose the trigger that suits your needs, such as "Click" or "Hover."
  • Set the interaction to affect the respective pop-out modal for that staff member.
  • Add the appropriate animation to show the modal, such as a fade-in or slide-in effect.
  • Make sure to bind the dynamic content to the modal within the interaction to display the correct information for each staff member.
  1. Repeat for each staff member:
  • Duplicate the pop-out modal for each staff member, and align them correctly within your design.
  • Remember to update the content within each modal to reflect the correct information for each staff member.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create multiple pop-up modals for each staff member on a "Meet the Team" page in Webflow. Each CMS collection item will have its own pop-out modal, ensuring that the information is unique for each staff member.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I trigger an interaction in Webflow?
  2. Can I add custom fields to a Webflow CMS Collection?
  3. What other types of interactions can I create in Webflow?