Does Webflow have a feature that allows an input field to be added to a specific radio button choice?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, Webflow has a feature that allows an input field to be added to a specific radio button choice. This feature is called "Conditional Visibility" and it enables you to show or hide elements on your website based on user interactions or input.

To add an input field to a specific radio button choice in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a Radio Button element to your website using the Webflow Designer.
  2. Select the Radio Button element and go to the Settings (D) panel on the right-hand side of the Designer.
  3. Under the Options section, add the desired radio button choices by clicking on the "+ Add Choice" button and entering the text for each choice.
  4. After adding the radio button choices, you can click on the "+ Add Field" button to add an input field associated with a specific choice.
  5. Once you add the field, you can structure and style it as needed using the Webflow Designer tools.
  6. To set conditional visibility for the input field, select the field and go to the settings panel.
  7. Scroll down to the "Conditions" section and click on the "+ Add New Condition" button.
  8. In the condition builder, choose the radio button choice that should trigger the visibility of the input field.
  9. Select the desired trigger, such as "Is equal to," and enter the value that corresponds to the chosen radio button choice.
  10. Finally, click on the "Hide" or "Show" toggle button to determine whether the input field should be shown or hidden based on the selected radio button choice.

By utilizing the Conditional Visibility feature in Webflow, you can create dynamic forms or interactive elements that adapt based on user input, providing a more personalized user experience on your website.


Let's say you have a radio button group with two choices: "Yes" and "No". If the user selects "Yes", you want to display an additional input field where they can provide more information. To achieve this, you can follow the steps above, and set the conditional visibility of the input field to be shown when the "Yes" choice is selected.

This way, when a user selects "Yes", the input field will appear, allowing them to input additional information. Conversely, if the user selects "No", the input field will be hidden.

Using Conditional Visibility in Webflow allows you to create more interactive and dynamic forms, enhancing the user experience and providing a more tailored experience for your website visitors.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I add conditional visibility to an element in Webflow?
  2. Can I create forms with dynamic elements in Webflow?
  3. Is there a way to show or hide elements based on user interactions in Webflow?