Does changing the form name in Webflow Designer affect the {{formName}} variable in the notification emails?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When using Webflow Designer, changing the form name does not directly affect the {{formName}} variable in notification emails. The {{formName}} variable is a placeholder that is used to reference the name of the form in the notification emails. By default, it is set to the name of the form as defined in Webflow Designer.

However, if you change the form name in Webflow Designer, the {{formName}} variable in the notification emails will not automatically update to reflect the new form name. This means that if you have customized your notification emails to include the {{formName}} variable, you will need to manually update it to the new form name.

To update the {{formName}} variable in the notification emails, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Project Settings in Webflow Designer.
  2. Navigate to the Forms tab.
  3. Locate the form for which you want to update the variable.
  4. Click on the form to open its settings.
  5. In the Name field, update the form name to the desired value.
  6. Save your changes.

After updating the form name, you will need to make sure that you update the {{formName}} variable in each notification email template to reflect the new form name. This ensures that the emails generated by the form submission will display the correct form name.

It is also important to note that the {{formName}} variable is just one of many variables that can be used in notification emails. You can also customize the content of your notification emails by including other variables such as {{formData}} to display the form submission data.

In summary, changing the form name in Webflow Designer does not automatically update the {{formName}} variable in notification emails. To reflect the new form name, you will need to manually update the variable in each notification email template to ensure accurate form data is displayed in the emails.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I customize the content of notification emails in Webflow Designer?
  2. Can I create multiple forms in Webflow Designer?
  3. What other variables can I use in Webflow notification emails?