Is it possible to create a custom login/logout button with Webflow membership that includes a dropdown menu for account access and logout when logged in, and a simple login button when not connected?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to create a custom login/logout button with a dropdown menu for account access and logout using Webflow's membership feature. This can be achieved by combining Webflow's built-in functionality with some custom code. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create the login/logout button:
  • Add a button element to your Webflow project's design canvas.
  • Style the button according to your design preferences.
  • Rename the button to "Login/Logout Button" or any other suitable name.
  1. Create the dropdown menu:
  • Inside the "Login/Logout Button", add a dropdown component (can be found in the add panel on the left).
  • Customize the dropdown's styling and settings to match your design requirements.
  • Add menu items within the dropdown for account access options and logout.
  1. Set up Webflow membership:
  • Enable the Webflow membership feature by going to "Project Settings" > "Enable on-site membership".
  • Create login and signup pages for your website members.
  • Customize the design of these pages as needed.
  1. Configure interactions:
  • On page load, set the initial state of your "Login/Logout Button" and associated dropdown to reflect the user's login status.
  • For example, you can set the dropdown to be initially hidden when the user is not logged in, and visible when they are logged in.
  1. Add custom code:
  • You will need to add some custom code to handle the login/logout functionality.
  • Attach a click event to the "Login/Logout Button".
  • In the event handler, check if the user is logged in or not (using Webflow's built-in member state).
  • When the user is logged in, trigger the logout action and hide the dropdown menu.
  • When the user is not logged in, redirect them to the login page.
  1. Test and refine:
  • Preview your website and test the login/logout button and dropdown menu.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the design, functionality, and responsiveness.

By following these steps, you can create a custom login/logout button with a dropdown menu that provides account access options and logout functionality for your website users. This solution combines Webflow's membership feature with custom code to achieve the desired functionality.

Example Code for the click event handler:

$('.login-logout-button').on('click', function() {    if(wfUser.authenticated) {        // Perform logout action        Webflow.auth.logout();        $('.dropdown-menu').hide(); // Hide the dropdown menu after logging out    } else {        // Redirect to login page        window.location.href = '/login';    }});


  • The code above assumes that you have set the class name of your "Login/Logout Button" to "login-logout-button" and the class name of your dropdown menu to "dropdown-menu".
  • Make sure to replace '/login' with the actual URL of your login page.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I style the login/logout button and dropdown menu in Webflow?
  2. Can I customize the membership login and signup pages in Webflow?
  3. What other customizations can I make to the Webflow membership feature?