How can I create a video player in Webflow that only includes a mute/unmute button and hides all other controls on different browsers and devices?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a video player in Webflow with just a mute/unmute button and hiding all other controls on different browsers and devices, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a video element to your Webflow project:
  • Drag and drop a Video element from the Elements panel into your desired section or container.
  • Upload your video file by clicking on the browse icon in the Video settings panel on the right-hand side.
  • Adjust the width and height of the video element to fit your design.
  1. Customize the video player appearance:
  • Select the video element and navigate to the Video settings panel on the right-hand side.
  • Under the Controls dropdown, select "HIDE."
  1. Add a mute/unmute button:
  • Drag and drop a Button element from the Elements panel under or near the video element.
  • Customize the button's appearance as desired.
  1. Add interactions to the button for muting and unmuting:
  • Select the button element, go to the Interactions panel, and click the '+' button to create a new interaction.

  • Select the appropriate trigger, such as "Click" or "Tap."

  • In the Actions section, choose "Start Animation" and create two separate animations: one for muting and one for unmuting.

    Muting animation:

  • Select the video element and click the '+' button in the Animation panel.

  • In the properties dropdown, select "Audio" and then "Mute."

  • Adjust the animation settings as desired.

    Unmuting animation:

  • Select the video element and click the '+' button in the Animation panel.

  • In the properties dropdown, select "Audio" and then "Unmute."

  • Adjust the animation settings as desired.

  1. Preview and test your video player:
  • Preview your project in the browser to ensure the mute/unmute button and video element work as intended.
  • Customize the styles or animations further to suit your design and aesthetic preferences.

By following these steps, you can create a video player in Webflow that only includes a mute/unmute button and hides all other controls on different browsers and devices.

Additional Tips:

  • It's essential to consider accessibility when using custom video players. Make sure to provide alternative controls or captions for users who may rely on them.
  • Test your video player on various devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
  • If you want more advanced control over the video player, you can explore using custom code or JavaScript integrations with Webflow.

Q1: Can I add additional functionality, such as a fullscreen option, to the video player in Webflow?
Q2: How can I make the video automatically play on page load in Webflow?
Q3: Is it possible to add subtitles or closed captions to the video player created in Webflow?