Can I create a multi-column carousel slider where only one column slides at a time using the built-in Webflow slider?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can create a multi-column carousel slider where only one column slides at a time using the built-in Webflow slider. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Add a "Slider" element to your Webflow project:
  • Open the Webflow Designer and navigate to the desired page.
  • Drag and drop a "Slider" element from the Add Panel onto your canvas.
  1. Configure the slider settings:
  • With the Slider element selected, open the Slider Settings panel on the right-hand side.
  • Set the "Slide type" to "Carousel".
  • Set the "Slides to show" value to the number of columns you want to display.
  1. Add columns to the slider:
  • Within the Slider element, you can add multiple child elements to represent the columns of your slider.
  • You can use any desired element, like a "Div" block or a "Container" element, to create the columns.
  1. Style the columns:
  • Select the child elements within the Slider element and apply desired styles to create the columns.
  • Configure the width and height of each column as per your design requirements.
  • You may also add margins or padding to separate the columns visually.
  1. Apply interactions to control sliding:
  • Open the Interactions panel in the Designer.
  • Trigger the interaction using a button or any other element you want to use to control the slide.
  • Add a "Slide" or "Move" animation to the interaction that affects the position of the Slider element.
  • Set the "Slide" or "Move" animation to affect the "X" position of the Slider element.
  • Specify the amount of distance the Slider should move horizontally with each interaction.
  1. Preview and refine:
  • Preview the page to see how the slider behaves, and make any necessary adjustments to the column styles, animation settings, or other configurations.
  • Repeat Steps 3 to 6 as needed to add more columns or customize the slider further.

With these steps, you can create a multi-column carousel slider where only one column slides at a time using the built-in Webflow slider. Remember to preview your site and optimize the design and interactions accordingly to create a smooth user experience.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I add images or content to the columns of a Webflow slider?
  2. Can I customize the transition effect between column slides in a Webflow slider?
  3. Is it possible to control the slider using keyboard or touch gestures in Webflow?