How can I create a looping gif on my home page in Webflow that, when clicked, hides the gif and shows an embedded video that plays immediately?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a looping GIF on your home page in Webflow that, when clicked, hides the GIF and shows an embedded video that plays immediately, you can follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your GIF:
  • Create or find a GIF image that you want to use. Ensure that it is saved in a format supported by web browsers (e.g., GIF, PNG, or JPEG).
  1. Upload the GIF to Webflow:
  • Open your Webflow project and go to the Designer.
  • Select the page where you want to add the GIF.
  • Drag and drop an Image element onto the desired section or container on your page.
  • Upload and select the GIF image you want to use.
  1. Add interaction to hide the GIF and show the video:
  • With the Image element selected, click on the Interaction tab in the right sidebar.
  • Click on the "+" icon to create a new interaction.
  • Choose the trigger type that suits your design (e.g., click, hover, or scroll). For this example, select Click.
  • Under "Element Triggered," select the Image element.
  • In the "Affect" dropdown, select "Hide."
  • Click on the "Add action" button and choose "Display" from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the video element where you want to embed your video.
  • In the "Initial appearance" dropdown, select "None" to hide the video initially.
  1. Add the video to Webflow:
  • Drag and drop a Video element onto your page, preferably in the same section or container where the GIF is located.
  • Set the source of the embedded video by clicking on the Video element. In the right sidebar, paste the video link under "Video Source."
  1. Configure the video to play immediately:
  • With the Video element selected, go to the Styles tab in the right sidebar.
  • Under "Initial states," click on the "+" icon to create a new initial state.
  • Configure the initial state to have a display property of "Initial" and an opacity of 100%.
  • Click on the "+" icon again to create a new animation.
  • In the animation timeline, click on the "+" icon to add a new keyframe.
  • Move the playhead to 0% and set the opacity to 0%.
  • Move the playhead to 100% and set the opacity to 100%.
  1. Preview and publish:
  • Preview your website to test the interaction between the GIF and the embedded video.
  • Once you're satisfied, publish your changes to make them live on your website.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a looping GIF on your home page in Webflow that, when clicked, hides the GIF and shows an embedded video that plays immediately.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I upload an image in Webflow?
  2. How can I add an interaction in Webflow?
  3. How do I embed a video in Webflow?