Can you initiate a Lottie animation when hovering over an element that is not a Lottie element in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to initiate a Lottie animation when hovering over an element that is not a Lottie element in Webflow. This can be achieved by using custom code and interactions. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare your Lottie animation:
  • Create or obtain the Lottie animation file that you want to use.
  • Save the file in JSON format.
  1. Add a Lottie container:
  • Drag and drop a div block from the Elements panel to the desired location on your page.
  • Give the div block a class name, for example, "lottie-container".
  1. Upload the Lottie animation:
  • Go to the Assets panel in the Webflow Designer.
  • Click the "Upload" button and select your Lottie animation JSON file.
  • Once uploaded, click on the Lottie animation file in the Assets panel to get the asset URL.
  1. Insert the Lottie animation:
  • Double-click the div block to open the settings for that element.
  • In the settings panel, click the "+ Add Field" button.
  • Choose "Lottie" from the list of field types.
  • Paste the asset URL of the Lottie animation into the URL field.
  • Adjust the width and height of the Lottie container as needed.
  1. Create a hover interaction:
  • Select the element that you want to trigger the animation on hover.
  • In the Interactions panel, click the "+ New Interaction" button.
  • Choose the "Mouse Hover" trigger.
  • Add a new action by clicking the "+ Add New Action" button.
  • Set the action to "Run JavaScript".
  1. Add the custom code:
  • In the JavaScript Action window, click on the "Open Code Editor" button.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the code editor:
const lottieContainer = document.querySelector('.lottie-container');const lottieAnimation = bodymovin.loadAnimation({  container: lottieContainer,  renderer: 'svg',  loop: false,  autoplay: false,  path: 'URL_TO_YOUR_LOTTIE_JSON_FILE',});lottieContainer.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {;});lottieContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {  lottieAnimation.stop();});

Make sure to replace 'URL_TO_YOUR_LOTTIE_JSON_FILE' with the correct URL of your Lottie animation JSON file.

  1. Test the hover animation:
  • Preview your page to test the hover animation.
  • When you hover over the element, the Lottie animation should play, and when you move the cursor away, the animation should stop.

By following these steps, you can initiate a Lottie animation when hovering over an element that is not a Lottie element in Webflow.

Additional SEO questions:

  1. Can Lottie animations improve SEO on my Webflow site?
  2. How can I optimize Lottie animations for SEO in Webflow?
  3. What are the best practices for using Lottie animations in terms of SEO?