Can Webflow restore a deleted site or will I have to start over from scratch?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Webflow has a backup system in place that allows you to restore deleted sites. So, if you accidentally delete a site or make changes that you later regret, you can easily recover your work without starting from scratch. Here's how you can restore a deleted site in Webflow:

  1. Log in to your Webflow account and go to your Dashboard.
  2. On the left-hand menu, click on the "Sites" tab.
  3. In the "Sites" tab, you'll see a list of all your projects. Look for the "Archived" section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Within the "Archived" section, you should find your deleted site. It will be listed with a red "Deleted" label.
  5. Click on the deleted site you want to restore.
  6. A dialog box will appear, giving you the option to restore the site.
  7. Click on the "Restore" button to bring the site back.
  8. Once restored, the site will reappear in your list of active projects in the "Sites" tab of your Dashboard.

It's important to note that you can only restore a deleted site within 60 days of deletion. After that timeframe, the data may no longer be available for recovery.

Restoring a deleted site on Webflow is a straightforward process that can save you significant time and effort. Make sure to keep regular backups of your sites to avoid any potential loss of data.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I backup my site in Webflow?
  2. Is there a limit on the number of times I can restore a deleted site in Webflow?
  3. Can I restore individual pages or elements within a deleted site in Webflow?