Can I set the header of my Webflow website to load first instead of last?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can set the header of your Webflow website to load first instead of last. By default, Webflow loads the content of your website before loading any custom elements, such as your header. However, you can change this behavior by following these steps:

  1. Select the header element on your Webflow canvas by clicking on it.
  2. In the right sidebar, click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. Scroll down to the "Advanced" section.
  4. Enable the "Preload" option by toggling the switch.
  5. Once the "Preload" option is enabled, you'll see an additional input field called "Preload priority".
  6. Adjust the "Preload priority" value to make your header load first. A lower number indicates higher priority, so set it to a value like 1 or 2.
  7. Save your changes and publish your site for the changes to take effect.

By setting the "Preload priority" of your header element to a higher value, you ensure that it loads before other elements on your website. This can improve the perceived performance of your website and provide a better user experience, especially on slower connections.

Keep in mind that while this feature is available in Webflow, it's essential to use it judiciously. Prioritizing too many elements to load first can slow down the overall loading time of your website. Therefore, it's recommended to use this feature selectively for critical elements like the header.

To summarize, here's how you can set the header of your Webflow website to load first:

  1. Select the header element on your Webflow canvas.
  2. Enable the "Preload" option in the element's settings.
  3. Adjust the "Preload priority" value to make the header load first.
  4. Save and publish your changes.

By optimizing your Webflow website to load the header first, you can ensure a better user experience and potentially improve your site's performance.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I enable preloading for other elements in Webflow?
  2. Can I set different preload priorities for different elements in Webflow?
  3. What other performance optimizations can I apply to my Webflow website?